Thursday, December 23, 2010

meeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrryyyyyy chriiiiiiiiiiistmaaaaaas!

merry christmas, peeps! nick and i are off to spend the holidays (and my dad's birthday!) with family and i couldn't be more excited. i'm even a tiny bit excited to have some cold weather, believe it or not. although the 82 degree temp the other day was awesome, i really miss the prospect of a snowy christmas and a big coat and mittens while packing the car full of santa's surprises.

i'll be taking a little blog hiatus to enjoy time with my loved ones (you're loved, too, just in a different way), getting some much-needed r&r, and working on some big DIY projects (blog posts to come). wishing you the merriest of christmases and here's to a very happy 2011. i'm looking forward to what the new year will bring.

see you in january, loves. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

ps. don't worry, it might look like emilio is unhappy in his elf hat, he's really ok. he even fell asleep in it until the bell on top rang him awake.


pan galactic gargle blogger said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS!Enjoy your well-deserved break!

mom said...

Merry Christmas! I hope you packed your boots..... along with big fluffy mittens, hat, scarf, etc.... Can't wait to see you two!